Sunday, December 17, 2006

Where's the snow?

It is December 17th here in southern Minnesota and no sign of snow for Christmas. I keep singing "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" hoping it will work like a raindance. No luck yet. This is Erin's first Christmas and she deserves to have snow for it. I'll keep singing I guess.

I haven't put up our tree yet, no decorations either. Life with a baby is sure different. I love Christmas and making the house look festive. But first things first, showering comes before decorating.

I bought pre-made cookie dough from Festival Foods to lighten the load. Now all I need to do is bake them. Finding a spare moment to do that is the key.

However, things have gotten better here in our household. Erin's evening colic is over and we
have mellowed out as well. She has become the sweetest most fun baby. I am really enjoying her a lot right now. She makes me laugh with all her noises. Her favorite at the moment is grabbing her feet with her hands and grunting. She is getting so big.

On the extended family front things aren't going so well. My mom is bipolar and she seems to hit her manic phase in the fall. She is back in the area after her escapade of living on the streets in Florida. However, she brought back a man she met there and won't come to my house because I told her that I'm not comfortable with her bringing him here. So it may be some time before I see her and she sees her only grandchild again. I keep telling myself that she is not well and that is why she is being like this. I need to be thinking of my family though and keeping them safe.

At least my husband's parents don't suffer from a mental illness. We will be celebrating Christmas with them. I am looking forward to it!

Here is our Christmas family picture. Hard to believe that Erin will be walking and talking by next Christmas.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My Little Squishy

My baby girl has been doing so many new things. She has started 'talking' a lot more and now has figured out she has a tounge. So when she starts making noises she moves her tounge in and out. It is very cute. She has rolled over from her tummy to her back, but I'm pretty sure it was an accident. There are also some teeth buds coming in for her. It doesn't seems to be bothering her too much thankfully.

Any attempt to get her to sleep in her crib has been abandoned. She will sleep maybe 30 minutes in there. So during the day she generally sleeps in her swing and at night if we can get her to go the first stretch in the swing. After that she sleeps in bed next to me. That usually works pretty well except when she wiggle and grunts all night long!!! Geez.

I just went through her clothes today to weed out the ones that are too small. I have a paper bag already full. Unfortunately there are some that were only wore once and some not at all. But that is how it goes, they just grow so fast.

I'm trying to keep sane with this extremely huge change in my life. I don't have much time for myself and in the evenings it is especially hard. My husband just worked nights over the weekend and one of the nights I didn't get a chance to eat dinner. Getting our little one to sleep is a hard job.

I'm hanging in there and trying to do some things for myself too so I can be rested for baby duty.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Feeling Crafty.

I made this desk for my laptop. I was in desperate need of a place to put some things, do my bills, and get my computer off the dinner table. We had all this scrap wood just laying around in the garage and I was feeling ambitious. Plus I needed something new to do besides nursing a baby, changing a diaper, or rocking a baby to sleep. So I thought up a simple, easy design and used or power miter saw and made my cuts. After I put it together I decided that I wanted a shelf and that it would look good in glossy black. I really like it and got great satisfaction in creating something I needed and will use every day.

Erin is doing great. She is smiling more and more and likes to 'talk' to me in the morning. What has been a marvelous development is that she will sleep 4-5 hours for the first stretch when I put her to bed at night. Hopefully it will continue.

We are treating her for thrush for the third time. It is very frustrating to keep battling this. This new medicine should do the trick though. As long as we stop giving it back and forth to each other.

Other than baby news I'm hoping to have a fire tonight. It should be a perfect night and baby has been sleeping so good the first stretch. Some baby free time will be nice.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Passing Time

What a cutie!!! This picture is a little staged.
Grandma put the thumb in her mouth,
but she kept it there to suck on. The sleeper that she is in for this picture she has quite grown out of. She loves to eat so she is growing so fast! She has also started to give me little smiles here and there and smile when I kiss her chubby cheeks. It is really fun to have her interact with me.

Well last week my mom and I made a dent in my tomato surplus. We canned whole tomatoes and ended up with 20 quart jars!!! I won't be in need of canned tomatoes from the store this winter. It is nice to know they won't be wasted. However, further and further into the season the more neglected my garden gets. I'm sure there are pounds of tomatoes out there needing to be picked, but I think I have run out of patience to dig through the towering, sprawling tomato plants. My cucumbers never did real well this year, I think it was way too hot. That's okay, I still have some leftover pickles from last year.

I've been knitting again. I got a fun winter sock pattern from a magazine and it is pretty easy as well. I was able to make a pair from one skein of yarn. I made the first pair for my mom and I'm working on my pair now. They are just cozy for the cool weather that is coming shortly. I'm ready for it!

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Anyone thinking about becoming a parent needs to check their ultimate patience level. This picture of my precious little girl is what I would like to call The Infant Gauntlet. Why is she crying??? Who knows. When will she stop?? No clue. Can I do anything to keep this from hapening?? Probably not. Total helplessness. . . not a fun place to be.

It seems that as soon as we get her figured out it lasts two days and then she changes. How am I ever supposed to get the hang of this if she keeps throwing curves?? It's a cruel, evil game she is playing and I don't want to play anymore. But I love her, am addicted to her. If I get to go anywhere without her I miss her. She's got me wrapped around her little finger and she is only six weeks old!

These are some pictures of the flowers from my garden. I love plants. It just facinates me how things grow from little seeds just because I put it in dirt.

My friends say my backyard looks like a tropical oasis. I just like having a pretty place to relax. We have been at this house for two years now and I just keep working on landscaping a little more every year. Thankfully we have our truck so I can get rock and mulch in bulk.

I got a new knitting magazine yesterday. It has some projects that I am interested in. I just don't think I like sticking with one project for very long. I think I need to start a couple and then I can grab one to work on it when the notion hits me. I also want to work on using other yarns, besides Walmart special. It has been nice getting cheap yarn so I can practice on. But I think I am ready to advance.

I can feel fall on the way and I'm excited! We haven't been able to have fires this summer. . . it's just been too hot. So I'm looking forward to cooler weather and sitting around the fire and smores! Mmmmmmmm. . .

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Harvest Time!!

Harvest season is great, and tiring. This is just a sample of what is coming out of my garden now. I should pick about as many tomatoes today. Needless to say I need to start canning, assuming I can find some time before they all rot. I'm trying to find a great salsa recipe because it will use up the most tomatoes and peppers.

I just can't believe how good my garden does here. I don't have pepper plants I have pepper trees. And my tomato plants have caused their cages (which are supposed to support them) to fall over. I tried cabbages for the first time this year and they turned out so pretty. I am also very proud of my first attempt at watermelon. Generally melons don't do that well this far up north, but I must have the touch. =)

Isn't it pretty!! I can't wait to eat some.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Baby Love

New mommyhood is great. And scary, exciting, frustrating, and the most rewarding thing I've ever done all in one. Erin Victoria is beautiful and I'm in love with her. I love how she smells and the sounds she makes, I lose track of time just staring at her.

A lot of my other hobbies get put aside because I am consumed with taking care of my new baby. My garden is full of weeds and produce that begs to be picked. I'm lucky if I finish a row with my knitting. My long lost love, sleep, eludes me. I have to be reminded either by my husband or my growling stomach that I haven't eaten lunch.

So far Erin and I have recovered from childbirth together, learned to breastfeed together, conquered thrush together, cried together, and fallen asleep together. I am already scared that she is going to grow up too fast. Ahhhhh. . . baby love.