Tuesday, July 03, 2012


My beautiful Erin turned 6 today!  I can't help but think back to that first night I had all alone with her.  It was her that made me a mommy.  I think about holding her at less that 6 pounds alone, in the dark.  Intoxicated and overwhelmed with love for my tiny little girl.  Becoming a mom changed me, made me softer, gave me focus.

My whirlwind, darling girl.  I love seeing what kind of person she is, and is becoming.  She is filled with emotions and challenges me to observe mine and my reactions to them.  Teaching is so much more than instructing.....it's modeling.  And it speaks much louder.

I love my girl who tells me at least 20+ times a day that she loves me.  I love you too baby girl, so very much. ♥