Well here I am at 30 weeks pregnant. I had to take the picture myself, and it didn't turn out too bad. Things are going well still. I am trying to get last minute visits in before we have the baby and I am far too busy and tired to do anything but take care of her.
We had some Target gift cards leftover from Christmas so I used one to order a new diaper bag. The one we have is okay, but gets stuffed with just stuff for Erin. So I researched and found one that people loved for having more than one kid to bring stuff for. I am excited to get it and plan to pack it up as my hospital bag. It seems crazy that I should be doing that already!
My other brother Jon graduated on May 13th with an Accounting degree. We went to his graduation, but did have to leave early to get Erin to bed. For some reason the ceremony didn't start until 7pm and there was over an hour of speeches. Very hard to get an almost 3 year old to sit still for. But there were plenty of laps for her to travel to and they were happy to see her. My brother did inform us that afternoon that he had spoken with a recruiter and decided to join the Army Reserves. I was a bit shocked, and am scared because who knows what could happen!

We went to Forestville Park to hang out with some friends while they were fishing. Scott made Erin her own pole out of some string he found and a stick. He put a bobber on the end and she had tons of fun throwing it over the side of the bridge and pulling it back up.
Here she is holding a worm, and she also thought it would be a great idea to put one on mom's head. I'm very proud of her that she isn't afraid of them though.

Aparently the park was also a real town and some of the buildings are still there. The bridge is also only for foot traffic or hoof traffic as we had a few groups of prople on horseback ride through.

We did some pruning of one of the flower beds in the back yard. There was some sort of shrubbery thing that must have been planted 50 years ago as it was a monster! We cut and ripped that thing out of there and burnt it in our fire pit. Wonderfully enough there must have been some poison ivy somewhere in it because I got it on my arm and to my delight cleavage. As if I wasn't uncomfortable enough being pregnant now I itch!

We are absolutely loving our new home in the spring. Driving up our long driveway seems almost magical. We have discovered a raspberry patch and we have all three colors of lilacs as well. Lots of the flower beds and "curb appeal" has been sorely neglected, but we will whip it into shape little by little. There is tons of field stone on our property that we plan on putting to use whether in borders or even a patio! So many possibilities. I also ordered fruit trees as I have plenty of room. We already have some apple trees so I though I would try a pear, peach, plum and apricot. Who knows what will happen, but it can't hurt to try!
The latest antics of Erin. . . she had a poop accident in her underwear, didn't tell anyone and tried to take care of it herself. She must have pulled down her pants and the poo fell onto the floor. Well she couldn't have that so she used her little hands to scoop it up and put it in her potty chair, smearing it all over the floor. I found her carrying her potty bucket with the poo in it into the bathroom half naked. Somehow her hands were all clean though. She then informed me that the brand new toothbrush that I bought her was used to scrub the poo off her hands!!! Gross. I promptly threw that toothbrush in the garbage and she melted into a tearful puddle because she really did love that new toothbrush. . .it lit up when you pressed a button. However, I was able to teach her the lesson that poo does not and should not go into your mouth, it will make you sick.
I will try and keep updates coming about the baby!