I figured it was time for a belly picture. So here I am at 17 weeks. I feel and look big, at least I think so. However, it is my second so the belly has been here before and seems to have gotten the hang of it. Thankfully I found a big lot of maternity clothes on Craigslist for only $40. I got about 10 pairs of pants and 10 shirts, a cute dress and a swimsuit. Considering I had one pair that fit great and another pair that always had to be pulled up, this was an upgrade for sure. It was listed at the perfect time. . . I was quickly growing out of my regular jeans.
Now that I am feeling better I have gotten back to knitting and cooking. I am now almost finished with the sweater that I had started for my brother (over a year ago) from the Last Minute Knit Gifts book. I just need to finish up the collar, do the finishing and sew on a zipper. He better like it!
The other night I made pasta fagioli soup and homemade french bread. I was craving that soup from Olive Garden and found a great recipe by Rachel Ray that turned out as good, if not better. To be honest, I haven't been too impressed with Rachel's recipes, but this one was right on and so yummy! http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/rachael-ray/pasta-and-beans-pasta-e-fagioli-recipe/index.html The crusty french bread was perfect with it.
Last night Scott decided to try Smores for the first time with Erin. He had built a fire in the upstairs fireplace and roasted marshmallows in it and put the smores together. As predicted Erin only ate the chocolate out of it. She loves her chocolate.

Other than that I have been slowly settling in more and more. Now that I am able to do more than just sit on the couch I am trying to move things around to where they make the most sense and look best.
Only a little over a week until the ultrasound!!!