Erin is being very weird about her sleep lately. Not sure what is going on. She is having a hard time going to sleep at night and will wake up in the middle of the night and be up for a couple of hours. Needless to say, I am very tired. Last night she woke up at 2:30 and I went in there and rocked her. As soon as I put her back down in her bed she sat up. So I took here to our spare bedroom and put her in bed with me. She proceeded to wiggle, sing, kick, twist, and turn until 4am. At that point I had had enough and put her back in her bed to go to sleep. Thankfully, she did, but still woke up at 8am. After all the hard work on the house and losing sleep because of Erin's weird phase she is going through, I am tired. I need coffee. So I will drink some and hope her nap goes well as I will be taking one too.
On a more exciting note, I picked my first big red tomato yesterday. I can't wait to dig into that. It is going to be so sweet and yummy. I think some olive oil, salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar and fresh basil will go very nicely with it. Oooo, I should buy some nice mozzarella and make caprese. Mmmmmmm. . .
I am also thinking of getting a tattoo. I want to get one on my upper arm and have been researching what I think I would like to get. I want to get some sort of tree or branch to signify strength and growth and have blossoms on it to signify my children (current and future). No I am not implying that I am pregnant. So here is a picture that I found that I really like.