Of course I have my vegetable garden all planted and it is getting to the part of the season that it will be too late to replant at the new house if we sell. So I'm kind of hoping that we get to stay until the end of August now so I can harvest and can all those tomatoes that I planted. Not to mention the pickles that I want to make.

Other than that I was sick for two weeks straight at the end of May/beginnin of June. Erin picked up some nasty bug that turned into an ear infection in 3 days. Then I caught it and ended up coughing so much that I couldn't sleep at night. I went to my doctor and got some cough medicine with codine in it and and worked like magic. It felt so good to finally get some sleep. On top of all that I caught the stomach flu and vomitted all night and the next day. Good thing that Scott didn't have to work that day. Erin caught it just a bit. She thew up three times and then was done. I was very thankful there. I am happy to report that I am well now, only the occasional sneezing attacks from my allergies.
Erin's birthday is coming up very soon and having a lot of family come into town so I will be a busy host. I love hosting. I love cooking for other people and making them feel pampered in my home. I'm planning on giving fondant a try for her cake this year. I think I have watched enough Food Network Challenges, and Ace of Cakes to give it a try. I'll post pictures of my attempts. Now just to figure out where to buy it. . .
Scott and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary last month. My mom was available to watch Erin
so we got to go out to a nice restaurant, share a bottle of wine, and walk to a movie. It was a very nice time. Then on top of that we got to get away for a weekend the first weekend of June for the first time since Erin was born. My mom was very excited to get Erin a whole weekend to herself.

We went to The Melting Pot restaurant in downtown the first night we were there. I wasn't smart enough to call earlier for reservations for a Friday night so we didn't get in until 9:30. But we enjoyed it and it was a fun experience. Being downtown was interesting to just experience the different culture of city-dwellers. At 11 o'clock there were still tons of people all over.
We scheduled hour-long full body massages for the next day at noon. It was amazing and glorious. I could get one every day. We also visited the Alexis Bailley Vineyard that afternoon for their annual winetasting. We love that place. Scott suprised me by bringing me there 3 years ago for a birthday suprise. We brought chairs, a little table, cheese, crackers and fruit. It was a beautiful day and we sat so we could see the vineyards, and they had live music, and of course great wine. We bought 4 bottles to bring home. We enjoyed ourselves and it was very nice to have a break for mommy duties.
Hope everyone's spring is splendid!