We will be putting our house on the market next week. I will be holding my breath until it sells. I feel good about all the work we have put into this house. I think it looks fabulous! I will miss it here. Just need to have the relator take pictures of the house to put online. I think I will have Scott take Erin for an outing so that I don't have to keep picking stuff up all along the way. I am excited and nervous!
I think that we have come up with a good listing price as well. We aren't looking to make out like bandits, so that helps. If we can find the right people they will buy this house right up. We live on a dead end street and only a block from the lake, plus a large yard that I have beautifed.

I'm looking forward to the warm weather. Erin and I are going to take as many walks and go to the park as many times as we can before our house sells. It will be so much more fun this year since she can walk.
I love it when asparagus gets so cheap in the spring. I buy tons of it. I usually just sautee it in some olive oil and put salt and garlic on it. Erin won't touch broccoli, but she loves asparagus! I also make a creamy asparagus soup. So yummy. Not sure that anything beats putting it on the grill though. I could eat just that for dinner. It is weird how things you detested as a kid you learn to adore as an adult.

Our Easter was nice. We did a dinner with Scott's family the week before and a little dinner with the family that lives here the weekend of. I didn't let Erin eat a ton of candy, I still think she is too young to eat bunches of it. I'm all in support of easter baskets, but not sure how I feel about actual gifts for Easter. First of all Erin has plenty of toys and gets gifts for her birthday and Christmas. I don't think that kids need presents for every holiday! Plus I have to find a place to put it all!!!! My house is only so big.
Well everyone wish me luck on the sale of my house!!!