Oops I missed my month mark. I had been doing so well. What's worse is that I even felt bad about only posting once a month. Oh well I have other things consuming my time, namely a 20 pound midget.
Hubby and I got some motivation the other weekend to forge on with completing our master bedroom. He has the tedious task of cutting trim and fitting it in the room. I got to demolish a closet and half a remaining wall in the basement. I am still pleased with the openness of it now. The bedroom only needs a few more pieces of trim and some pittly stuff. I also took on the project of making the door to the outside look nice. My husband couldn't seem to imagine a way of doing it without getting a custom door made for it (and spending way too much). The best way we have found to get through our creative differences is to let it become either his or my project.
The colors in the bedroom look so nice. I have a great green color on the walls and the wood trim and door are a dark mahogany. It looks so good.
I have taught myself to crochet. . . a little. I can do some basic stitches and have been making washcloths. Crocheted washcloths go quicker than knitted ones.