Hello everyone. It seems I blog about once a month. I would like to do more, but there are so many other things to do. =)
Had a little photo shoot with Erin in her new swimsuit yesterday. She is so pretty. She loves to crawl around in circles in her whale pool. I think we will have to make her first trip to the beach on her birthday next week. We will have a busy week. Next weekend we are going to Grandma's for a visit and a birthday party with aunts, uncles, and new cousins. Then another uncle is coming to visit over her birthday, so there will have to be another party. Not to mention the 4th of July is in there too! The weekend after that we will going back to Grandma's for her new cousin Anna's baby shower. Whew! Hopefully I will not be too busy to take tons of pictures.

I am so excited for my baby to be turning one! I'm trying to come up with ideas for a birthday cake to make it memorable. The World Wide Web is so nice researching those kind of things. Plus I got this great cake cookbook for Christmas.
My vegetable garden is growing like mad. Unfortunately, so are the weeds. I have been making stabbing attempts to get some of them out. It doesn't look like I have done much at all. But the plants that I want to grow in there are doing great. I just ate my first cucumber out of there yesterday.

I have been working on my knitting skills too. I had all the pieces knit up for a tank top, but was scared to start the finishing. To my surprise things are going pretty smoothly. I do need some more practice as sewing seems though. I also got some fun knitting books for my birthday. They should arrive next week.

Along with my gardening, knitting, housekeeping, and baby care, we have been doing some remodeling of our house. Just recently we put up a closet organizer in our walk-in closet in our bedroom. We had a little mishap with one of the shelving brackets, but with a little trip to Amazon.com we found some extras to order and they should be here Tuesday. Then another project can be crossed off my list.
And by the way, I need a haircut. So if anyone knows of a place that I can go that they will help me pick out a cut that is right for me let me know!
Until next month. . . .