I made this desk for my laptop. I was in desperate need of a place to put some things, do my bills, and get my computer off the dinner table. We had all this scrap wood just laying around in the garage and I was feeling ambitious. Plus I needed something new to do besides nursing a baby, changing a diaper, or rocking a baby to sleep. So I thought up a simple, easy design and used or power miter saw and made my cuts. After I put it together I decided that I wanted a shelf and that it would look good in glossy black. I really like it and got great satisfaction in creating something I needed and will use every day.
Erin is doing great. She is smiling more and more and likes to 'talk' to me in the morning. What has been a marvelous development is that she will sleep 4-5 hours for the first stretch when I put her to bed at night. Hopefully it will continue.
We are treating her for thrush for the third time. It is very frustrating to keep battling this. This new medicine should do the trick though. As long as we stop giving it back and forth to each other.
Other than baby news I'm hoping to have a fire tonight. It should be a perfect night and baby has been sleeping so good the first stretch. Some baby free time will be nice.