Grandma put the thumb in her mouth,
but she kept it there to suck on. The sleeper that she is in for this picture she has quite grown out of. She loves to eat so she is growing so fast! She has also started to give me little smiles here and there and smile when I kiss her chubby cheeks. It is really fun to have her interact with me.
Well last week my mom and I made a dent in my tomato surplus. We canned whole tomatoes and ended up with 20 quart jars!!! I won't be in need of canned tomatoes from the store this winter. It is nice to know they won't be wasted. However, further and further into the season the more neglected my garden gets. I'm sure there are pounds of tomatoes out there needing to be picked, but I think I have run out of patience to dig through the towering, sprawling tomato plants. My cucumbers never did real well this year, I think it was way too hot. That's okay, I still have some leftover pickles from last year.
I've been knitting again. I got a fun winter sock pattern from a magazine and it is pretty easy as well. I was able to make a pair from one skein of yarn. I made the first pair for my mom and I'm working on my pair now. They are just cozy for the cool weather that is coming shortly. I'm ready for it!